NewCity: A Journey For Journey’s Sake: A Review of Luftwerk at Volume Gallery

December 8, 2023

Inquisitive viewers will take a look behind the sculptures. Their wall-facing side has been painted a corrosive shade of orange, which, when placed between the gallery’s blank white walls and blindingly white LEDs, is reflected onto the gallery’s walls as a faint glow. But taking this fateful look is to lose the magic. More likely than not, you’ll long for how new and unknown this phenomenon felt a few seconds ago. It’s all in vanity, the gig is up now. The glow is not a glow but a mere effect of the light. It’s a lie. Yet most viewers will find themselves suspending their disbelief and viewing the forms head-on once more. No question about it: with the painted surface out of sight, they’re once again glowing. Why choose to be fooled by an illusion when you know the source of its trickery? Who knows. Most illusions aren’t this beautiful. Read the full review here.

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